Functional Fitness Part 1

It seems like everywhere you look these days someone is advertising a new fitness craze. Crossfit, Zumba, pole dancing (really?), Rucking, these are all big names in the fitness industry. Another current trend is “functional movement”. The idea behind it is that you should be training your body to be better at the movements you perform on a daily basis or movements that would make your life easier if you were able to perform them. I think the basic idea for these systems is pretty cool, but after watching some of the Youtube videos of the instructors, I began to question their definition of functional. I have absolutely no need to put my ankles behind my head… ever, and crawling across the floor like spider man on a wall really doesn’t have much use for me either. It isn’t that doing those things wouldn’t be an improvement on my physical abilities, it’s just that I don’t feel the need to be able to do them. When I look at my life, I see things that I want to be able to do now, and that I will want to be able to do in 20-30 years. Things like playing soccer with my kids without being completely winded, or climbing a tree to rescue a beloved pet, or wrestling with my sons when they are in high school. What about grandkids? I would really like to be able to carry them around in the zoo and teach them to play baseball. Most importantly, I want to be able to protect my family against a threat no matter how old I am.

So what if I told you that there was a “fitness program” that can improve your ability to pursue your life goals while also improving your mind and spirit? Sounds a bit too good to be true, but people have been using the martial arts to stay fit and healthy for literally THOUSANDS of years! Martial arts offers a platform for improving both your body, your mind, and your spirit no matter how old you are. Here are some of the basic benefits:

1.       Weight control

a.       Being in a martial arts class a few nights a week can start you on a road to achieving and maintaining your ideal body weight. I don’t mean that you are expected to look like a super model by the time you reach black belt. Instead, training in martial arts will begin to transform your body into a more efficient machine that will trim fat and enhance muscle. You may never look like Chris Hemsworth or Jennifer Lawrence, but you will be much happier with the way you look and feel.

2.       Flexibility

a.       Have you ever had trouble reaching down to tie your shoe? That can be a real wake up call, particularly if you aren’t significantly over weight when it happens. Many jobs today require a lot of time riding in cars or sitting at a desk. Without some form of stretching, your muscles will begin to shorten and tighten. Do you ever get knots in your back or Charlie horses in your legs? Those are signs of muscle tension that can be relieved by stretching and exercise. Training in a martial art will help you to overcome the tension of the daily grind by giving you a chance to stretch your muscles in an exciting environment where it doesn’t feel quite so boring or pointless.

3.       Endurance

a.       Yep, the elevator is out again… do you dread the stairs? What about the long climb up the bleachers at your child’s softball game? Were you out of breath after carrying all the groceries in from the car? Do you turn down that invitation to play volleyball with your Sunday school class because you don’t want them to see you huffing and puffing? Your body needs help! Martial arts practice will increase your endurance and cardiovascular condition by allowing you to work at your own pace at first and slowly pushing you to increase your capabilities. Not to mention that it is way more interesting than walking around a track for hours.

4.       Muscle tone

a.        Almost everything you do can be improved by better muscle tone. Being able to lift the baby’s car seat without straining sure does help at the daycare drop off. Picking up dog food at the store doesn’t seem so daunting when your back and legs are strong and steady. Besides, who doesn’t like looking in the mirror and seeing a bit of muscle where your arm fat used to be? One of the leading causes of injury in the US is car accidents. Having better muscle tone allows your body to absorb more shock. The better your muscle tone, the less likely you are to need physical therapy after that guy rear ends your new car at 30 mph.

Wow, this post is starting to get a bit longer than I expected and I haven’t even started on the mental and spiritual benefits of martial arts training! Instead of trying to rush through those aspects in one final paragraph, I will turn this into a two part post. Be sure to come back and read the second half. In the meantime, go talk to a martial arts instructor in your area and see what other ways martial arts training can benefit your body!