Self-Defense: How Not To Look Like A Victim

“SEIZE THE DAY!” – “Opportunity is knocking!” – “Take advantage of the moment!”        

                These are motivating and inspiring quotes we have all heard. They help us to get moving and make changes that improve our lives. Almost all of us (except for a few skeptics) would say that we associate positive feelings with these old sayings. But what if I told you that these very quotes could be the cause of your worst nightmare? You see, good people aren’t the only ones who have heard these ideas. Criminals know them by heart!

                According to researchers Marcus Felson and Ronald Clarke, opportunity plays a role in almost every crime. In theory, by reducing the possible opportunities for a crime, you can reduce the statistical probability of becoming a victim. People apply this theory every day by locking their homes and vehicles, installing alarm systems, and hiding valuables out of sight. So what about you? What is the most valuable thing you have with you at all times? I’ll give you a hint: It isn’t your cell phone!

                The most valuable thing you have is yourself! Since you wouldn’t want to lock yourself into a bank vault somewhere, let’s look at 4 practical ways to reduce criminal opportunity as you go about your daily life…

1. “Keep your chin up, kid!”

                Here is a motivating quote that really helps! As you go about your daily tasks and travels, keep your head up and your eyes moving. You don’t have to act like a frightened rabbit, just stay visually engaged and scanning your surroundings. Many criminals don’t want to be seen. If they notice someone who is actively observing, they will be less likely to target that person.

2. “Walk tall!”

                Be confident in yourself! In many areas of the world, confidence breeds respect. Be careful with this one though. Over-confidence almost always leads to trouble. Know your limits and stay within them, but do it with confidence. If your self-confidence could use a little boost, consider joining your local martial arts school. Even people who only train for 6 months often report a lifetime of higher self-confidence.

3. “There is safety in numbers”

                Surround yourself with people you can trust. Are you working late on a project? Ask the janitor to walk you out to your car. It will reduce your chances of getting mugged, and make the janitor feel important. All janitors can use a bit of encouragement now and then. Even if you are surrounded by people you don’t know, look for groups of individuals that you can place yourself near that can act as an alarm system and deterrent to predators.

4. “Keep it secret, keep it safe!”

                5 ninja points if you know which movie this quote is from! Seriously though, if you have been blessed with a recent influx of cash, don’t go flashing it around or telling everyone about it. The same goes for expensive phones or other possessions. Criminals keep their ears and eyes out for signs of valuables they can steal.


So there you have it! Four simple ways to reduce the likelihood that you will be targeted by your friendly neighborhood criminals. Do you have any favorite tips for personal safety? Comment below with your ideas!